Synonym Stenolobium stans.
Common name Yellow elder, trumpetbush, yellowbells, Esperanza, yellow bignonia.
Family Bignoniaceae (Bignonia family).
Overview Yellow elder is an evergreen bushy shrub growing up to 22 feet tall with a light grey bark and bright green pinnate serrated leaves. It has yellow, trumpet shaped fragrant flowers; they bloom from May to October.
A profuse bloomer, the panicles on which the flowers are borne can produce more than 50 blossoms! This plant attracts butterflies. It has plant has 5 - 8 long seedpods, hanging in clusters. The seeds, dispersed when the pods split open, are flat, oblong with transparent wings on the ends. Yellow elder is the official flower of the US Virgin Islands and the Bahamas.
Medicinal applications Used against diabetes and digestive problems.
Hardiness USDA zone 8 - 11. This plant is suitable as an annual. Propagation Seeds and cuttings. Culture Full sun; grows on a wide variety of soils. Yellow elder can be kept as an container plant in the cooler zones. Can withstand some frost; hardy down to 20° F (-2.2ºC) but roots can survive lower temperatures.