Tropical Rainforest
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The Amazon Rainforest.


Creek Commewijne Creek Zanderij Savanna Shallow creek Zanderij Bridge over the Coppename riverBridge over the Suriname river

Saramacca river Late afternoon Saramacca river Suriname river New Amsterdam Suriname river 07.00 pm Suriname river at Meerzorg


Montrichardia arborescens Golden shower Tabebuia seratifolia Ground flowers Allamanda cathartica

Bombax aquaticum Couroupita guianensis Heliconia Red Heliconia red/yellow Alpinia purpurata

Monkey vine Gloriosa rotschildiana / Climbing lilyPinktree Rosemond cole Purple dahlia

Nicolaia elatior flowering bud PlumeriaNicolaia elatior Round Alpinia purpurata Nicolaia elatioryoung flowering bud

Heliconia androphilips Annona muricata Bixa orelana Plumeria Cananga odorata

Carabea red Carabea yellow Mangifera indica Black tulip lilyCassia alata flowers


Artocarpus altilis Musa ornata Momordica charantia Monstera deliciosa Artocarpus altillis Annona atemoya

Averrhoa bilimbi Morinda citrifolia Elaeis guineensis Solanum stramofolium Passiflora edulis Spondias cythere


croton croton1 ceiba2 ceiba1 Greenheart tree Beautiful tree

ceiba  Caesalpinia bonduc Bixa Bixa1Banana Caliotrois gigantea

Ricinus communis Simaruba officinalis Swietenia mahogany Swietenia mahogany Piper anduncumPurple water lily


Palms in Suriname Palms in Suriname Mauritia flexuosa Canaric Dade palm Canaric Dade palm Veitcha merrillii


Swietenia mahogany Swietenia mahogany Tree-trump Ceiba pentandra Potplant Cordyline terminalis

Expedition rainforest Rocks in the river Flowing river Quit rainforest Big tree in the amazon rainforest Amazing tree

Dried grassMauritia flexuosa palm in the Amazon rainforest Fallen flowersSea wall NickerieCopaiba treeRoots bebe tree

Wedelia trilobataSunset in the RainforestSavanna flowerZingiber zerumbetAlcalypha wilkesiana / Godseffiana


Amazon rainforest from the sky Sunset over the Amazon rainforest Sunset New Amsterdam, Commewijne Amazon rainforest over the riverSunset while sitting in the park at New Amsterdam Surinam Airways in the sky

Sunset over the Suriname river Sunset over Paramaribo Sunset over Boskamp Sunset above the savanna Sunset above the savanna Storm over the Coppename river


Triplaris Surinamensis Licuala spinosa palmStream in the SavannaGarden Dr WongsoredjoCeiba pentandraField day

Way in the SavannaSwietenia mahogany tree in the bushMonstera deliciosaManihot esculaentaCecropia peltataColllecting sacred lotus seeds


Kurt Jessurun


Download free desktop wallpaper for your computer from TROPILAB® INC.
We offer a variety of images from the Amaron rainforest of Surinam that we change regularly so you can keep your desktop decorated with the latest amazing photographs from us!

Installing WALLPAPER:


Method 1:
Left click on the image.
Opens in a window.
Right click and select: "set as background"

Method 2:
Download the image to the hard drive; right clicking on the image and choosing "Save Picture as:" from the popup menu in Internet Explorer. Next: right click on the desktop itself and choose "Properties" from the popup menu that appears. After a window called "display properties" opens, click on the tab named "Desktop". Now click on the button "Browse" and select the image you just saved.
Macintosh (OS X):

The easiest way to do this is to drag the image from your browser to your desktop. If you have a two button mouse, right click on the image and select Save. Otherwise, hold "control" + click on the image, and then select Save from the popup menu. (Even if your browser calls the saving option something slightly different than "Save", the end result will be the same.) Next: select a place or directory on your hard drive in which to save the image file. Place your images for the desktop in the Macintosh HD> Library> Desktop Pictures folder. You can actually save them anywhere; just remember where you put them.

Opening your Desktop Preferences:
Click on the Apple menu in the top left corner of the screen, and select the menu item "System preferences..." In the personal section of the preferences, choose "Desktop".

Method 1:
Drag the desired desktop image into the "Current Desktop Picture" area in the Desktop preferences pane.

Method 2:
Select an image by choosing the pull down menu called "Collection:", selecting "Choose Folder", and then choose the folder in which you placed the image. If you placed your image into Macintosh HD> Library> Desktop Pictures you will find that your images is already an icon which can be elected from among the pictures in the "Colection:", Desktop Pictures". Once you select the icon, your desktop wallpaper background will be changed.

Macintosh (OS 9):

Saving the images:
Save the background image to the hard drive by holding down control + clicking on the image, choose Save from the popup menu. Or, drag the image directly from your browser to your desktop, and then move it to the desired location on your hard drive.

Open the Appearance Control Panel
Method 1:
Right click or control + click the mouse on your desktop and choose to change the desktop wallpaper background. This should open the Appearance Control Panel.

Method 2:
Go to the apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen. Choose Control Panels> Appearance. After releasing your mouse, the Appearance Control Panel will open.

Next: select the Desktop" tab

Installing the Image
Locate the images on the hard drive and drag it into the gray representation of your screen. If you have multiple monitors, you can even drag a different image into each.

Click the "Set Desktop" button.


These images provided by TROPILAB® INC. are for personal use & enjoyment on your computer screen only. Other use is strictly prohibited. These images may not be reproduced without the express written permission of www.tropilab.com. Thank you for your cooperation.

© 2005 TROPILAB ® INC. All rights reserved

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