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Tropilab Inc., exporter & wholesaler of medicinal plants, herbs and tropical seeds

with Herbal Dietary Supplements
Natural pharmacy

Detoxification, also called detox, (or body cleansing in alternative medicine), is the process of removing foreign substances from the body.
It can be achieved by several techniques such as dialysis and sometimes chelating therapy in traditional (allopathic) medicine.
Toxicity is nowadays of greater concern than ever before; chemicals, pollution, radiation, refined foods, stimulants, sedatives, drugs and so on; all take their toll on the human body!
Cancer and cardiovascular disease are only two of great concern; obesity, and some skin problems are others. Further, a wide range of symptoms (headaches, fatigue, pains, gastrointestinal problems, and immune weakness) can directly be related to toxicity.
Many drugs, food additives, and allergens can also create toxic elements in the organs.
Although the body can handle many toxins naturally, the overdoses of these [toxins] overwhelm it in these modern times.
You may accumulate toxins at a rate higher than your body can process; this proofs to be sometimes devastating.
Phyllanthus amarus, Chanca piedra, used for liver, kidney and gall bladder function.
Also used for diabetes, frequent menstruation, gonorrhea, gout, jaundice and topical use as a poultice for skin ulcers, sores, swelling, and itchiness. The use of botanicals (herbal detoxification) in getting rid of all the toxins* in the body can be very beneficial, if done the right way!
There are many superior cleansing herbs, without side effects, from the Amazon rainforest suitable for this purpose.
We advocate an integral detox approach, as following:
There are several Detox Programs (DP) available to cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in the organs such as the colon, liver & gallbladder, kidneys & bladder, blood- & lymphatic system and the lungs.
These programs involve dietary- and lifestyle changes to reduce the intake of toxins and improve elimination of these.
The lifestyle changes do not have to be hard, if you prepare yourself mentally for them. After all, it does not make any sense to go back to bad old habits when you have successfully flushed out the toxins and cleared excess mucus and congestion from your body!
Euphorbia hirta, Asthma weed, used to treat bronchial asthma, upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) and 
laryngeal (throat) spasm. Also used in the treatment of intestinal amoebic dysentery and the treatment of syphilis To be successful, the body must first be detoxified in the right sequence; only after the colon and kidneys are detoxed, we can move to the liver.
After the liver is flushed, we can finally clean the blood and the lymphatic system.
Regular skin cleansing with natural soap, shampoo and a luffa can be added and is very beneficial. When flushing the body is completed there is in general no need to do this again any time soon; that is, if you stick to your lifestyle changes!

*toxins: chemicals with potentially harmful effects (any substance that can cause ill health). Most toxins that cause problems in humans are released by microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi, algae and plants. Many of them are very poisonous).

Detoxification occasionally is good for most of us and if we take well care of the body and have a healthy lifestyle, our quality of life will improve tremendously.
However, it is not needed to detoxify too often.
People with an unhealthy lifestyle and those with certain problems such as alcohol and drug problems, obesity, etc. may find relief by undergoing a DP.
Anything that supports our elimination helps to detoxify.
Drinking extra water, eating food rich in fibers (consuming more vegetables and fruit), cutting back on sugar and salt will help eliminate more toxins.
There is more of course: regular exercise, less meat and milk products will also contribute getting rid of the waste with toxins in your body.
Refined, processed and junk foods are also a "no go" and should be avoided.

Only detox will not do you any good in the long run if you stick to you old habits and does not change your lifestyle including your diet.

First rule for any of the above detox programs:
Drink enough water; every day 2- 2.5 liter. Use good quality spring water; avoid drinking distilled water. Drink the water at room temperature (not cold!).
Drinking lots of water will flush out the toxins easier and will improve in the long run many imbalances in the body.

Second rule:
Switch to a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables with few cooked or processed food.
Organic food helps to protect you against many diseases; if you consume a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables, it will also protect against many environmental pollutants!
Many fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc, manganese, copper and iron.
Fruit and vegetables such as papaya, watermelon, mango, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, garlic, cayenne pepper, onion, and eggplant. Of course there are many more.

Third rule:
Exercise regularly; combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise for a more complete work-out.

People with a clear alcohol and/or opioid dependence will need to get professional medical assistance to get rid of this first.
Alcohol detox is not a treatment for alcoholism; the same goes for opioid dependence.

The above presentation is for informational and educational purposes only.
It is based on scientific studies (human, animal, or in vitro), clinical experience, or traditional usage.
For many of the conditions discussed, treatment with prescription or over - the - counter (OTC) medication is also available.
Consult your doctor, practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problem and before using dietary supplements or before making any changes in prescribed medications.





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All the information in this database is for education & information purposes only!
It is not intended to be used to diagnose and treat any illnesses or condition whatsoever, nor replace proper medical care.

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